Monday, 24 October 2011

Public Transport or Car?

This is a very controversial issue for a lot of students at UOW, both sides of the argument have good and bad points. This is a summary of some of these points so you new students can decide for yourselves whether you think it is better to drive or take public transport. UOW does everything it can to encourage students to take public transport for example introducing three free buses and introducing campaigns for example: secure lockups, showers and lockers now available and UOW shuttle phone app and transport surveys. This is because UOW has very limited availability for parking. However for students travelling from a distance driving often seems like the better option.

"I live in Campbelltown and the bus timetables aren't very good as there are only three a day." said Josh Kitchen, a current student at UOW. "Due to this they are always really packed and since there are so many stops it turns a 40 minute trip into a 2 hour one"

Some bad points of driving to university include: the limited parking spaces, the cost of a parking ticket and having to move your car during the day to not incur a fine for staying there too long. 

"I'm at university all day, four days a week and to find a park is really hard. Mostly I park in the UOW car parking spaces however because they are only four hours, I have to move my car or buy another ticket." said James Vohradsky, current student at UOW.  "This gets really annoying because I can be late to my classes because of it. This is why I ride my bike. "

Here are some links to more information about public transport and driving to university

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