Monday, 24 October 2011

Free Buses!

So your probably all wondering what are the best buses to catch to and from university and just around Wollongong in general. Well let me tell you the three most popular buses for transport to university and around Wollongong are the three free buses of course! The 'Free Gong Shuttle Bus' is the green bus and travels to Wollongong University via the Hospital and Fairy Meadow stopping at different bus stops around Wollongong. The 'UOW North Gong Shuttle' travels to the North Wollongong train station then to UOW stopping at various stops around the university. The 'UOW Gwynneville Keiraville Shuttle' travels around the different UOW student housing areas in Gwynnvielle and Keiraville.
Depending on the way you look at it this can be a good and bad thing. Good because it's convenient for students and citizens and bad because they are so popular more buses are needed at peak times! No one wants to be the one left behind because the bus is too full. All these buses arrive at the Departs Station approximately every 20 minutes. For students that are travelling to university from a distance the 'North Gong Shuttle' is the perfect bus for you it arrives at North Wollongong station after the train so there's no need to walk! These buses run from 7:00am to 10:00pm every weekday. On weekends the 'Free Gong Shuttle Bus' runs from 8:00am to 6:00pm. The 'Free Gong Shuttle Bus' is also wheelchair accessible catering for disabilities.

For more information on the free buses here are some useful links

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