Session has started and again you can spend hours driving around UOW looking for a park. There just aren't enough spaces! There are over 22,000 staff at UOW and only 3,000 parking spaces in the University to be shared with students as well. In my opinion this just isn't enough and something needs to be done. In this post I will detail my top ten tips in dealing with this issue. Firstly come early! There is almost always a park available if you arrive early enough which is around 8am or earlier. If you are a student buying a ticket for parking try to arrive at 12:30pm. Parking tickets last 4 hours and you will be most likely to get a park at this time. Take notice of the parking station signs. These signs will tell you how many spaces are left in the car parks in the University. Try to avoid parking underground or in the multistorey car parks as these are often expensive. If you have three or more people there is a parking area just for carpooling that is free. If there are no spaces available park your car further from the University and catch the free shuttle bus. Parking is also available close to the Wollongong Botanical Gardens so use those spaces instead of parking at the University.
"I park away from the University where I can easily catch the Green free bus. This is so much easier than spending hours finding a park at the University itself and saves me money on petrol"
said Cooper Dunn a current student at UOW.
The University also promotes using other forms of transport including trains and buses wherever possible to avoid this issue. New students follow these tips or take other means of transport to the University wherever possible to avoid the issue of parking.
If you want more information please go to:!/uowSmartPark